2010년 6월 21일 월요일

B2B Social Media Marketing

I came from Shanghai. The city was quite impressive! Sorry for not posting articles because of my sojourn in Shanghai:)



   B2B marketing is a type of marketing that goes between companies. These days, the importance of B2B marketing is ever increasing because companies also can be customers. For example, for a company that produces construction materials, its customers could be individuals who want to buy its products to decorate their houses by themselves. However, more importantly, their main target customers would include big construction companies that need construction materials to build tall apartments. In this sense, appealing to those companies, which in this case are customers, is utterly pivotal. Being aware of the significance of B2B marketing, companies are now taking advantage of social media as a means to implement effective B2B marketing strategies.

   Let us case study BP, a British oil company, that is being recently accused of the disasterous oil spill. BP is severely castigated by myriad individuals, governments, and non-governmental organizations for not properly dealing with the current situation. In the first place, BP fails to give people an impression that it is being apologetic for what it has done. It continuously sent out TV commercials and google advertisements, which ended up aggravating the audience. Recently, Tony Hayward, the senior excutive of BP, came up on TV to express how regretful and apologetic he and his company is to this calamitous disaster of the century. However, it only made the audience angry, worsening the situation. Hurriedly, BP launched Twitter and Facebook to at least show that it sincerely wants to communicate with the public. Again, people grew skeptic of BP. However, the biggest loss BP had to bear was that those who had partnerships or did business decided to leave BP. The loss could have been minimized had BP established good social networks with those companies rather than stucking up its noses.

   There are two important lessons to learn from this case.


1) It is important to business to maintain good relationships with other connected businesses, and social media can serve as a good tool.


2) More importantly, establishing trust requires quite a long time. Thus, when managing social media, companies should earnestly treat their customers rather than being perfunctory.


댓글 6개:

  1. Interesting article ^^

    the oil spill's obviously a huge trouble...

    what's more interesting is the blame that's put on both Obama and BP by the citizens... the question's who's to blame. the politics's also very interesting.

    Thanks for the article! ㅇ

  2. @YJ - 2010/06/22 15:43
    Thank you for reading this somewhat

    tedious article in English:)

    Yeah, politics indeed plays a big part

    in this dispute.

    Let's keep close eyes on who wins in the end:)

  3. 잘 봤습니다. ^^ 물론 다 해석하진 못했지만요 ^^;;

    국내에 국한된 것인지는 모르겠으나 문제는 기업들이 소셜미디어를 전혀 소셜미디어로 사용하고 있지 않다라는거죠...

    SNS를 정말 말 그대로의 도구로만 사용하고 있는 것은 문제에요...

    트위터만 봐도 우리나라 기업들의 트윗들을 보면 RT와 팔로우를 구걸하고 다니는 것을 볼 수 있죠, 마치 팔로워들이 자신들의 고객으로 이어질 것처럼 착각하면서요...

    서로간의 신뢰감을 쌓아갈 커뮤니케이션의 도구가 되어야 하는 소셜미디어가 기업들의 찌라시처럼 취급받고 있는 것은 너무나 안타까운 일입니다...

    써놓고 보니 포스트와 별 상관없는 댓글 같아서 죄송하네요 ^^;;

  4. @CHUL - 2010/06/22 21:00
    감사합니다 ㅎㅎㅎ

    정말 정확한 지적이신거 같아요 ㅎㅎ

    너무 twitter를 cyworld인냥

    숫자 올리기에만 급급하고 ㅜㅜ

    실제로 커뮤니케이션 자체는 부족한편이죠

    그러니.. 소비자들이 믿음을 안주는거 같아요 ㅎㅎ

    아직은 외국과는 달리 겉모양 흉내에

    그치는 거 같아요 ㅜㅜ

  5. BP문제에 이런 교훈이 잇엇군요! 신용은 정말 중요한것같아요~

  6. @러브리호빵 - 2010/06/22 22:53

    평소에 나쁜 짓하면 안돼 ㅋㅋㅋ
