2010년 6월 29일 화요일

KIA Soul Viral Video: Rock!

This is a viral video made by KIA to promote the sales of Soul, its new car. The video is really fun and was viewed by over 4 million people. Huge!


댓글 2개:

  1. ㅎWoah! I'm so proud of Korean companies =) Hyundai, Samsung, and KIA!! these 3 companies are well known in other countries! especially, for cars, its really amazing. I saw the news that US worried about the power of Korean car companies. So did Obama !:) And, i got another fabulous commercial of Korean company - Samsung's 3D TV Commercial. This is awesome!! like a movie. Check it out here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thhNNKQv1EM

  2. @Nahyung Kim - 2010/06/30 13:39
    I will definitely check it out:)

    I saw this commercial in the conference

    that I attended yesterday!!

    It was terrific~~
