2010년 3월 30일 화요일

BBQ Kogi: How Twitter Can Bring You Dollars

The official logo of Kogi


   Hi! Yesterday, I uploaded an article about a hair salon which used Twitter as a means to better communicate with its clients and boost its sales. The main point of the last night article was that social media marketing is not necessarily for big corporates. It can also be utilized by small and medium sized shop owners.


   Today's article is about Kogi:) Has anyone heard of Kogi? It sells tacos in the United States. The interesting part is how they sell those tacos and hotdogs. They travel around several states in American by TRUCK! Then, you may wonder. If it does not run its own shop, how can it maximize its profits? You might think, "Many people do not know when the truck will arrive in their regions. Then, how it can sell many tacos or whatever?" You are right! In order to maximize the profit, Kogi has to sell many products as possible. Yet, if they simply go around different regions to sell their products, they will not be able to make money. In order to cope with this situation, Kogi utilized Twitter and its was literally a HUGE success. Let's see what it did!  

   Kogi tweets when it will arrive at a certain region. Just an hour ago, it tweeted that it will arrive Eagle Rock region at 6:30. Those who live in Eagle rock region and follow this twitter can easily know when the Kogi truck will arrive. Around 6:30, there will be a long line of clients who are eager to taste Kogi's tasty tacos and hotdogs at decent prices. By notifying its time of arrival using Twitter, it could maximize the possible clientele, which resulted in a steep increase in its earning. Also, when its products are all sold out, they tweet so that customers do not have to go back to their homes with nothing in their hands.



   Today, we saw how Twitter can be used to literally boost up the sales of a small-sized business owner. By taking advantage of Twitter, Kogi was able to manage its time efficiently while raking in great amounts of dollars every day.



댓글 8개:

  1. Wow. 트위터의 힘이란..

    근데 Kogi가..뭐지??

  2. @So Yeon - 2010/03/31 20:51
    얘네가 트럭을 타고 돌아다니면서 핫도그나

    타코를 팔아 ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ

  3. 저 면접 볼때가 생각나네요ㅠㅠ

    SNS의 경제적 효과..

    kogi처럼 사업에 트위터를 이용하면

    간단한 방법으로 편리를 누리고

    동시에 사업적으로는 이익도 창출할 수 있는 것 같아요!

  4. @심지원 - 2010/03/31 22:35
    그 문제 내가 만든 건데..ㅋㅋ

    머 동아리 합격했으니까 된거지 ㅋㅋ

    Twitter의 힘은 나도 조사할 때마다

    놀라울 정도야 ㅋㅋ

    앞으로 창업대회나갈때 잘 활용하면

    좋을 것 같아:)

  5. 트위터로 도착글을 포스팅한다고 사람들이 정말로 타코 살려고 줄을 짓고 기다리나요? 사진자료있었으면 좋겠네요

    그리고 kogi가 it 인지 they 인지 하나만 골라서 써주세요

  6. @dtd - 2010/04/03 10:24
    사진은 제가 최대한 빨리 구해서 upload 해드릴께요:)

    아.. 좋은 문법지적 감사합니다 ㅋ

  7. 아이거본거가태요 한국인삘타코파는 트럭....맞나?? kogi요거 한국사람이 만든거 맞아요?

  8. @공유경 - 2010/06/02 19:39
    응 맞아 ㅋㅋ

    근데 요즘은 멕시코계

    주방장들한테 맡긴데 ㅎㅎ

    그리고 오프라인 매장도 여는 중이라던데 ㅎㅎ
