2010년 5월 12일 수요일

The Use of Social Media Marketing Part3

Flowers blossom in my school's garden. Finally, I can feel the spring:)



Last week, I posted an article that listed the 10 benefits of social media marketing. Today, I am going to statistically prove them. Let's see~~~


1. Generated Exposure for My Business

No matter how much time corporate marketers dedicate themselves to utilizing the social media, 78% responded that the social media increased the chance of exposure to the public. Nearly all marketers who have been employing social media marketing strongly advocated the claim that the social media spawned much exposure of their business to the public.


2. Resulted in New Business Partnerships

The most notable thing in this bar chart is that 53.1% who have only invested a few months with the social media marketing succeeded in establishing new business partnerships. Those who invested 6-10 hours a week are reported to gain new business parnerships, which implies that it takes somewhat longer time for marketers to take advantage of this benefit when using the social media.


3. Reduced My Overall Marketing Expenses

When it comes to the social media marketing, what marketers need is only time. The vast majority of the marketers replied that they witnessed the overall drop in their marketing expenses. Those who run single companies are more likely to benefit more than those who run big ones.


4. Helped Us Rise in the Search Rankings

73% of marketers reported that their search engine rankings have risen since they implemented the social media marketing. More than half of those who spent 6 hours a week saw their search engine rankings go up.


5. Increased My Traffic / Subscribers / Opt-in List


At least 2 of 3 marketers found out that their traffics increased after adopting the social media marketing. What is notable here is that those who invested years in the social media marketing, by far, witnessed a substantial increase in their traffics. Moreover, owners of small business benefited more than owners of big business.

댓글 2개:

  1. Internet plays a HUGE role in business!! It is undeniable now. People search on their net before they go to hospital, go to shopping, or even cut their hair. and those social marketing through twitter, facebook etc enables people to find certain businesses more friendly. There are lots of business ads on facebook also. It reminds me the lyrics of the song 'Empitre State of mind'. "once you make it here, you can make it anywhere". Its exactly true on internet also! Once you make it on facebook, twitter etc, you can make it anywhere ! haha

    Great proves, thanks 홍준 > <

  2. @김나형 - 2010/05/17 01:23
    I recently created my account on Twitter:)

    I am one of those fab. Twitter users ㅋㅋ

    Maybe you should join, too.
