2010년 4월 2일 금요일

Lady GaGa: The Queen of Social Media Marketing

   So far, we have seen how corporates use social media as a means to boost their profits and improve their corporate images. Still, many individuals also utilize social media for certain purposes. Thus, we are going to find out why and how they use it.


   Today, we are going to analyze "Lady GaGa", one of the most famous singers all over the world. She is, of course, very well-known for her songs. Songs such as "Just Dance" and "Bad Romance" garnered a great attention from not only her fans but also from many eminent song writers and music industry specialists. More recently, her new song "Telephone", a collobration work with Beyonce, proved how famous and influential she is currently in the industry.

Album Jacket "The Fame Monster"

   HOWEVER, she is much more well-known for her eccentric and sensational fashion. People always buzz about what she will be wearing in upcoming music videos or official award ceremonies. Here are some photos of Lady GaGa in her garments.

   Aside from her songs and avant-garde fashion, we need to shed a light on her another aspect, which is her clever use of social media. She owns her own web-site. Not to mention, she runs her own Twitter and Facebook. She has about 6 million fans and 3.4 million followers on her Facebook and Twitter respectively. We can see that she has good infrastructures for employing social media marketing strategy. Then, let's see how she uses all of them to create buzzes and raise people's awareness of her.

her Twitter followers

her Facebook fans


   First of all, let's take a look at her official Twitter page so that we can have a glimpse of what it looks like:)

   We see some famous figures like Perez Hilton. She uses Twitter as a vehicle through which she can communicate with her fans and more importantly to inform about her schedules so that her fans can create new buzzes about her. Actually, she utilizes Facebook much more than Twitter.


     As you can see, she advertises her world premiere of her new song "Telephone". She also left a short mesage on the wall of her Facebook, informing her fans of her being selected as world's top 100 influential people by Times. Yet, she does not simply stop there.

A Promo on her Facebook about her latest song "Telephone"

   She actively engages herself with her Facebook by directly posting and updating promos and advertisements. This advertisement is about her new song "Telephone" released recently. She gives quite decent prizes to those who are willing to engage in her ad campaigns. Also, she let her fans inviter her fans' friends to maximize the number of people she can reach by using her Facebook. 

Lady GaGa Store on Facebook

   There is also an on-line store on her Facebook. Fans can freely buy ordinary items such as headphones and calendars with her images or symbols applied on them.


   Last but not least, her official website!!! which is full of information about her.

Lady GaGa Official Hompage

    Unlike other singers, she uses this website very cleverly. Just at a first glance, you can notice how colorful, well-organized, and, most of all, eye-catching her official website is. When she released her album "The Fame Monster", she exclusively uploaded her music video of "Bad Romance" on her official website. Her fans can check her schedules, buy albums and items, and get to know more about her.


   Today, we have seen how smart Lady GaGa is in managing her social media. Her Facebook, Twitter, and her official website are tightly linked with each other. When fans enter her Facebook, they can visit her Twitter by simply clicking an icon that links her fans to her Twitter. Moreover, she does not simply use social media to communicate with her fans. It is another immense market she herself created. She is indeed a Queen of social media.


    Finally, it's time for watching her latest music vidoe, "TELEPHONE".


댓글 8개:

  1. 헐ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 쩔어ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Lady Gaga Sequin Mask?!?! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  2. @권진희 - 2010/04/03 11:38
    더 쩌는건 이거 사는 사람들 있음 ㅋㅋ근데 Lady GaGa는 실제로도 음악적 실력이 있으니까 ㅋㅋ 사람들이 더 반응을 잘하는듯 ㅋㅋ

  3. 홍준아 i really looooved this article!!! great analysis. I felt like i was reading a well written article in newspaper.:) Btw its surprising that she does all those things while she's very busy. some singers just focus on being a sex symbol or whatever. They dont know media and how to use it. I feel her very friendly. Lady Gaga herself is being a one big media i think. and its a great catalystic work for her jobs also!

    Ashton Kutcher(the young husband of Demi moore. such a pimp lol) is famous for social media marketing also. He's actually a pioneer in this field. Starting on Tiwtter, he sort of wagered on who's gonna gain 1 million comments first against CNN! And becasue he won, he could donate 1 million mosquito nets for th prevention of malaria int Africa. He once said sort of signifies the turning of the tide from traditional news outleted to social media outlets. Thats very true i think!

    Thaaanks a lot for your posting about Lady Gaga!!! : ) You made me love her more! lol im listeing to telephone now, and its awesome just like her and you! haha

  4. @김나형 - 2010/04/03 12:25
    Thanx, 누나 :)

    Also thank you for reading my articles ㅋㅋㅋ

    Lady GaGa's social media marketing is indeed

    very clever and can help her reach a wider


    Also can't deny that she is quit a good


  5. 우와나방금웹사이트가밧는데좀짱인듯~

  6. @김가경 - 2010/04/04 00:09
    진짜 멋있지? 색채감이 ㅎㄷㄷ

    내가 패션좋아하니까 나름 레이디가가가

    입는 옷도 관심사임 ㅋㅋ

  7. 우와 레이디가가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘읽엇어요 ㅋㅋ

    역시경제는 실용적이라서 재밋는거가태요

  8. @공유경 - 2010/05/25 23:02
    ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ경영도 ㅎㅎ

    와너언제적글까지 거슬로 올라간거야 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

    레이디가가노래괜찮어 ㅎㅎ
